Astro Bot: Astronomical Fun

Astro Bot

This game caught me by surprise. Not because I didn’t think I would like it, but because I forgot when it was coming out. When I realized it was Astro Bot day I just had to pick it up. Unfortunately some games took a back seat because of it but it was all worth it. Astro Bot is nothing short of an absolute masterpiece.

3D Platforming Goodness

Astro Bot

When I got my PS5, Astro’s Playroom was already ready to play on it. It was advertised to be a test run for the new DualSense controller. I had no idea I’d fall in love with this little dude. I also couldn’t have dreamed that he’d get his own fully fleshed out 3D adventure. I know there is one Astro Bot game for the VR system, but I haven’t played that one.

Right after landing on Sky Garden, I was an emotional mess. In a good way of course. There’s just something about a splash of color, paired with the perfect soundtrack to accompany you through 50 plus planets of pure platforming bliss, you know? Having Astro Bot back in my hands was a dream come true. If I am being honest here, I didn’t quite expect this level of enjoyment. Or maybe I did but with how games are released these days I find myself keeping more realistic expectations. Astro Bot was perfect.

It plays exactly like a 3D platformer should. Tight controls, a number of wonderful powerups and of course, many things to collect along the way. The main thing you’ll be collecting are your fellow bots, some even themed after  iconic PlayStation heroes. There are also puzzle pieces to collect which eventually unlock things at the hub world.

Crash Landed

Astro Bot

Astro Bot and his fellow bots were attacked in space and crash landed. It is up to Astro Bot to travel to the surrounding planets and save his friends. As you bring more bots back to the Crash Site, things will begin to unlock and unfold. As you complete galaxies and save ship parts, even more galaxies unlock. The overall goal here is to bring back as many bots as you can find and ultimately fix your ship.

The Crash Site serves as the game’s hub world and you’ll visit it often. One thing I picked up on immediately was how it changed with every visit. Each ship part you save has its own little jingle that it will sing. And for each one you save, it adds to the overall music of the Crash Site. It reminded me of  Super Mario Galaxy when Rosalina’s Observatory begins waking up and the music gets progressively more intense. It was a small but impactful thing that made me feel like I was slowly progressing.

On this Crash Site puzzle pieces will come together to unlock new buildings you can use. You’ll gain access to the gacha machine first which you will also visit often. It will unlock a number of extra goodies in the game. Eventually you will also get the Changing Room and the Dual Speeder Garage, allowing you to customize both your little DualSense inspired ship and Astro Bot himself.

Nostalgia Fever Dream

Astro Bot

There are many, many layers of nostalgia within Astro Bot. On the surface, its classic 3D platformer charm is reminiscent of the likes of Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and more. Its colorful vibrant worlds take you back to a time in gaming where everything just popped of the screen. Looking “realistic” wasn’t as important as looking fun and while Astro Bot’s graphics are certainly top-notch, it doesn’t strive to look real.

The real meat of the nostalgia here though is for all of you PlayStation fans. As you explore the many planets on offer, you’ll be rescuing Astro Bot’s fellow bots. These come as both generic little robots or themed after certain PlayStation heroes and franchises. I won’t spoil anything here but even some of the planets are themed after these franchises. This addictive game loop of not quite knowing who you’ll rescue next really filled me with excitement.

As a Sony kid, this game really spoke to me. Not only was it nice to take a trip down memory lane but it was also exciting to experience the birth of a brand new PlayStation mascot. A mascot that reminds us that 3D platformers aren’t dead and that Sony can compete with Nintendo if they choose to continue with Astro Bot in the future.

For All Ages (And Some Experts)

Astro Bot

This game is absolutely for everyone. PlayStation fan or not, this is solid 3D platformer that can stand on its own as one of the best ever made. I had such a blast exploring everything this game had to offer. I am happy to report that I even snagged the Platinum Trophy for this beauty of a game.

If you’re like me and enjoy just a bit of challenge in your platformers, this one will satisfy that itch. While the main planets you visit aren’t too difficult, they do increase a bit in both difficulty and size as you progress. However, there are also stand alone planets that act as challenge stages. These will really test your ability to control Astro Bot. I love when a game offers more difficult stages without it hindering your ability to move forward. That way, you can enjoy them if you want to but you can also beat the game without doing so.

I personally gravitate to the more challenging stages as it allows me to test my abilities. I also find it super rewarding when I can complete something, even if it takes me a few tries. Often times my favorite levels in 3D platformers are the ones that add some extra challenges like the levels in Super Mario Sunshine that take F.L.U.D.D. away from Mario.

Astro Bot and Beyond!

Astor Bot

I hope that this release marks a new age for Sony. Not only for Astro Bot himself but maybe some of the franchises featured in this game can get some much needed love. I would love to see this game spark some remakes, remasters or reboots. I suppose right now it is all still up in the air. Regardless, Sony and Team ASOBI have such a loveable little character on their hands. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Astro Bot. He certainly has a fan in me!

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