The last game of this year for me was the one and only, Deathloop. I had an absolute blast with this title and it is honestly one of my favorites from this year. It blends a lot of different elements from multiple genres to create something really unique. I can’t wait to dive into this piece about it.
Try, Try Again

Unlike traditional first-person shooters, Deathloop encourages death. In fact, you even get a PlayStation trophy for dying. To put it simply, Deathloop’s whole deal is in its name. Each death brings you back to the beginning of your day. Each day gives you the ability to learn from previous mistakes. Take the knowledge you gained from previous runs and apply it to your current one.
Knowledge carries over from playthrough to playthrough and your objective is to break this time loop and escape back into reality. Of course, it isn’t as easy as it sounds and you will be spending a lot of time in Blackreef, the game’s world. Deathloop presents an interesting opportunity to its players, allowing them to manipulate Blackreef to their liking.
The game divides Blackreef into four different areas, as well as four different times of the day. Death resets the clock as well as making it to the end of the evening. Every time you leave an area time will progress and you will choose the next area to visit. Different things happen during different times of the day in each area so nothing ever feels the same. On top of that, the game demands curiosity and exploration in each area as information is your most important objective here. Explore Blackreef, arm yourself with its secrets and break its loop.
Not All Is Lost

Each death brings about a new day. That means that everything in your inventory is gone from your previous run. However, the game cleverly allows the player to keep items they want to keep by using a process called Infusion. Infusion is unlocked after one of the first missions in the game is completed. It is by far your best friend during your time in Blackreef because it will let you keep the weapons and trinkets you want.
Armed with the power of Infusion, you’ll now collect Residuum from items around the world as well as the dead Visionaries you are hunting to break the loop. Infusion will let you hold on to that sweet new sniper rifle you found, or even better, the game’s version of super powers known as Slabs. Visionaries will drop their Slabs if they have one as well as their weapons. Both are extremely powerful and useful in your task to take them all down.
Not only does this game encourage replayability in its time loop mechanic, it also encourages it so that you can farm for Residuum. Even if you visit an area that you don’t need to go to, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by picking up some Residuum. This adds just enough permeance to the game to make you feel like there is some progression here. Honestly though, the story alone is progression enough. Infusion just gives the player the ability to stick with a loadout that works for them.
Full Of Character

Blackreef is stuffed to the brim with lore, story and a plethora of character. This game has such a charm to it and everything works overtime to create that charm. The voice acting performances in this game are some of the best I have ever seen. The art direction is perfect too, making the game enjoyable in every aspect. I honestly was so immersed in this game and nothing broke me from that aside from having to sleep or go to work. (Occasionally some Pokémon, too but it’s that time of the year.)
Blackreef as an absolute joy to explore and play in. Each visionary has their own story as well which you’ll learn about as you hunt them down. Colt and Julianna’s feud is the main focal point of the story and it is honestly done really well. Their constant bickering and fighting was truly entertaining. Julianna is probably my favorite character from this game and I don’t think many people would disagree. Yes, she is attempting to stop Colt from his mission, but heroes aren’t made without villains. Julianna plays that part superbly.
As you disturb the Eternalists and murder the Visionaries, stop to appreciate the view. There is no telling what you will find along the way. On top of that, you’ll also constantly discover new information to ensure your success. So sit back and enjoy Blackreef for everything it has to offer. After all, you aren’t running out of time anytime soon.
Freedom In Imprisonment

You may be trapped in Blackreef indefinitely, but that doesn’t mean you have to play by its rules. Each slab gives Colt powers to use against his enemies. Each weapon feels unique and each trinket brings the loadout together differently. Try new things and see what works for you. That is one of the things that makes Deathloop so special. If you try a loadout you hate, you haven’t lost anything because death doesn’t mean much in this game.
Freedom in your loadout isn’t the only kind of freedom that Deathloop offers. You can tackle this game in whatever order you’d like. Sure there are certain things in the game’s story that need to be done to progress, but do them in whatever order you’d like. My experience with Deathloop was unique to me as yours will be unique to you. There are no wrong ways to play this game. Just get out there and enjoy it.
I adore games that give players that kind of freedom. Often times games can bog us down with quests upon quests and we loose sight of the main objective. Deathloop though, gives you plenty to do but never leads you astray from the task at hand. Each and everything you do in Blackreef will play its part in your final objective. Kill all of those Visionaries in one day, and you’ll break the loop. Good luck.
Alternatively if you grow tired of playing as Colt, which you probably won’t, play as Julianna for a while. Here, you will invade other players’ time loops and attempt to kill them. This honestly feels like its own game separate. As Julianna, everyone on the map is on your side except for Colt. Get out there and protect the loop.