I already knew that this game would be wonderful. However, experiencing it for myself was definitely life-changing. It is a game that needs no introduction. By now it is certainly well-known and I am honored to have finally experienced it.
A Metroidvania In All Its Glory
Hollow Knight checks a lot of different boxes in terms of what kind of game it is. That is one of the things that makes this game so unique. First and foremost though, it is a metroidvania. Much like the titles that formed the metroidvania genre, it lives up to the name.
As you traverse through Hallownest and take down its many bosses, you’ll uncover different abilities and spells that will allow you to access more areas of the map. On top of that, Hollow Knight is rather open-ended so how you approach the game and what you unlock first may not be how someone else played through the game. There are points that are mandatory to progress of course, but the order in which you tackle some of these bosses and areas is entirely up to you.
If a boss seems too difficult for you, it is possible to return to them later after a few upgrades or a different charm build. Do not be afraid to head a different direction and explore somewhere new if you need to. Those bosses will be there when you come back.

Aside from the boss fights changing with each ability you get, so too does exploration. You’ll begin to feel like you’re flying through old areas that once seemed daunting. Once you acquire the Monarch Wings and Mantis Claw, Hallownest really begins to open up. I often found myself in the beginning areas of the game uncovering new secrets after 40 hours of gameplay. This game is jam packed with secrets and rewards if you go searching for them.
Make sure you investigate anything that looks suspicious. If a wall has cracks in it, it can probably be broken and if the ground shakes a little when you walk on it, dive down and see what’s bellow. Hallownest will keep you on your toes and satisfy every bit of your curiosity if you let it.
Precision At Its Finest
Yes, Hollow Knight is a metroidvania. Like most games in that genre, it is also a platformer. Some of the games best rewards are at the end of platforming challenges that will test your skills of the game. Once you get your double jump and wall jump, these places become easier but some aren’t even available until you can utilize all of the Knight’s abilities.
I swear this game shines in everything that it sets out to do, but it definitely shines in platforming. Controlling the Knight is so tight and precise, you’ll eventually find yourself dashing through the smallest openings with ease.
If there’s anything I learned deep in Hallownest though, it is that you can’t rely on your extra abilities. A double jump in the wrong place might be your last, so tread carefully when you’re in confined areas.
One of the first things I notice about any game is how it feels to control the character. With Hollow Knight, I simply had no complaints. Any and every mistake I made when platforming was mine alone, not the controls. The Knight will do exactly what you need him to do, you just have to get the timing right.
I recently fell in love with platformers last year with games like Celeste and some of the earlier Mario titles, so I definitely appreciated this game’s representation into this genre as well. It is a love letter to metroidvanias and platformers alike.
An RPG Too?
In a short answer, yes. Now, the Knight can’t be leveled up like most RPGs, but charms and ability upgrades certainly give this game enough RPG elements to warrant the argument. You can also increase the Knight’s health and soul capacity by finding fragments around Hallownest. There is also a Nailsmith who will upgrade your nail when you bring him Pale Ore and a service fee.
Charms are items you can equip to add certain buffs to the Knight, or extend abilities. The Shaman Stone will increase the damage of your spells and Mark of Pride will extend the length of your nail. There are 40 charms in total and a reward worth getting for obtaining them all. With that many charms, you really have to choose what best fits your playstyle since the Knight only has a certain number of charm notches.
You can get additional charm notches throughout the game, but you still won’t have enough to equip every charm at once and each charm takes up its own number of notches. Naturally the “better” charms can take up four or five notches on their own. There are some pretty powerful charm builds to be made though, so don’t be afraid to experiment with combinations.
Hidden Lore And A Story To Match
Hollow Knight’s story is one that is deep and expansive but it is one that won’t be shoved in your face. You could probably play this game from start to finish and miss a lot of what’s being offered to you if you don’t explore the areas fully.

There are many NPCs who can offer you some lore or history of Hallownest that can add to the overall story. There are also plenty of Lore Tablets, with tasty bits of info into the area or Hallownest’s history in general. Trust me, it’s worth reading into and hunting down.
I absolutely will not spoil anything for those who might not have played it yet, but just know that it’s well worth your time and energy. I can appreciate this way of storytelling too, because it makes you work for that knowledge and feeds your curiosity. It rewards you for being interested in the lore of the game. Games that can find ways to reward players for exploration, will encourage further exploration.
Death… Lots and Lots Of Death
You will die a lot in this game, it is unavoidable. That’s okay though, because you will take with you the knowledge you need to progress next time. Whether it is a difficult boss or a tricky platforming section, you’ll find yourself waking up on the last bench you sat on quite a bit throughout this game.
You can’t let that get you down though. This game is all about learning the patterns of bosses and finally getting that jump just right. You’ll feel extremely proud of yourself when you finally beat that boss you’ve been on for a while, and it will reinvigorate you to progress to the next difficult boss encounter.
When you do die be sure to retrieve your shade, because it will hold all of your hard earned geo. If you die without taking back your shade, that geo will be gone forever. I lost a lot of geo throughout the game, but ultimately that was okay. Each enemy drops geo, and you can sell the artifacts you find throughout the world. My method was just to hold onto the artifacts until I needed the money for something specific since you don’t drop the artifacts when you die.
Don’t be afraid to spend your geo either. It is certainly better than losing it all in Hallownest and having to earn it again. You will eventually get to a place in the game where Geo isn’t that important so don’t stress too much over it. Either way, you’ll want to buy every charm, map, and upgrade you can afford.
Explore Everything
If I haven’t made that clear enough, here it is again. Hallownest is a beautiful and dangerous place filled with lore, enemies, friends, and everything in between. Talk to everyone more than once and revisit areas from time to time as things will change while you progress the story.
I had a blast getting to know everyone from Dirtmouth to Deepnest, those that wanted to talk at least. Not to mention some of the best venders in the game are hidden somewhere in Hallownest, not up in Dirtmouth, so keep a look out for them as well.
One of my favorite things about this game was finding all the captured Grubs and returning them to their home. If you stop, you can hear them calling out to you for help if they are close enough. Make sure to visit their home often as well because there will be many rewards awaiting you as you save these little guys.

This game is full of so much heart and soul (no pun intended) and it is an absolute gem of a game. It is another one of those passion project indie titles that just oozes creativity. The art style is gorgeous and the game itself is just breathtaking. If you haven’t experienced this title, then you definitely need to. I am certainly glad that I did. It took me about 60 hours to do everything, and I don’t regret a single second.