Spotlight Saturday: Kit From Ratchet And Clank

Originally known as KT-7461, Kit is a character who was first introduced in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. Her character immediately spoke to me in ways I did not quite expect, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the depth in her backstory. As much as I loved Rivet as well, Kit was my favorite new character introduced in Rift Apart. Not only did she remind us all of Clank’s beginnings, but she gave us a brand new story to be invested in. Let’s take a look at why.

Designed For Destruction

Like Clank, Kit was created to be a robot of destruction. However unlike Clank, she was not flawed. As such, she was part of Emperor Nefarious’ army. During one of her routine patrols she caught a rebel sneaking around Nefarious’ tower and blasted their arm off. When she realized what she had done, she sought refuge on planet Savali. This eventually led her to Gary the prophet and she became his apprentice.

Kit struggles with self confidence, no doubt stemming from her very creation. She obviously wants to be good, but still believes that since she was created for evil, that is all she can ever be. It is here where I related to her more than I had expected to relate to a Ratchet and Clank character. I myself have struggled in the past with identity and self-worth. Even though I’m better than I’ve ever been with it, I can relate to that battle intimately.

It is no surprise that Kit is reluctant to join Ratchet on his journey to save the dimensions. She’s worried of losing control, of her “true nature” taking over again. However, despite that fear, she rises to the occasion and sets out on the adventure of her life.

Time With Ratchet

Kit and Ratchet. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart

Before Kit meets Rivet and faces that truth, she spends quite a lot of time with Ratchet. During this time, we get to see a bit more of her personality and her fears about herself. Ratchet is of course, his overly-optimistic self and I believe it begins to rub off on Kit. Her time on Savali was good but also secluded. Making friends with Ratchet was easy, even when she continued to remind him that he shouldn’t want her as a partner. After seeing her warbot mode, Ratchet still asked her for her help and she agreed.

In many ways, I think her time with Ratchet opened Kit up. After all, he’s the one who gave her the nickname “Kit” just like he did with Clank. She had the opportunity to see herself make new friends and conquer her fears of her identity. While it couldn’t have truly prepared her for meeting Rivet, I think it paved the way for her to start believing in herself. Ultimately that is the first step in learning to love yourself.

Rivet and The Truth

Rivet and Kit. Ratchet and Clank" Rift Apart

Initially, meeting Rivet wasn’t a big deal for Kit, aside from the fact that she was someone new. They began to bond, much like her and Ratchet did, and things seemed to be going smoothly. Rivet even considered keeping her around as a partner, like Ratchet and Clank. However, when the truth finally comes out that Rivet was the rebel that Kit shot at back at Nefarious’s tower, things changed a lot.

Rivet tried to forgive Kit for her actions, but Kit persisted on seeking isolation again which triggered some anger in Rivet. Instead of seeking isolation, Rivet wanted Kit to face her mistake and make amends, but Kit wanted to run again. It was her solution when she first shot off Rivet’s arm, and it would be her solution now.

However, Kit couldn’t live with that decision this time because this time, she had friends. These friends had helped her accept who she was, even Rivet who lost her arm because of it. Kit finally felt accepted by not only herself, but those around her and it made her want to continue to help them. So, when the time came, she came back and continued to help them fight off Emperor Nefarious.

Personal Growth

Kit’s journey was as much about saving herself as it was about saving the dimensions. She learned that just because she was created for one thing, that didn’t mean it is all she would ever be. It reminded me so much of Vivi’s story from Final Fantasy IX and it honestly brought tears to my eyes. The battle for self-worth and understanding your place in the world is a tough battle to fight, but like Vivi, Kit didn’t have to do it alone.

Because Kit mirrors Clank in a lot of ways, I am hopeful for a sequel of some sort. I would honestly love to see a Rivet and Kit spin-off. Kit’s presence in Rift Apart helps feed the game’s nostalgia while telling a brand new story. Insomniac easily has many routes they can take with these new characters they’ve created.

1 thought on “Spotlight Saturday: Kit From Ratchet And Clank”

  1. Pingback: Spotlight Saturday: Rivet From Ratchet And Clank

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