Final Fantasy VI: A Masterclass In JRPGs

Final Fantasy VI

I am incredibly excited to finally be able to write this post. Final Fantasy VI has been a title that I have wanted to hit for a very long time now, especially after the Pixel Remaster was released. I’m sure it can’t compete to the original experience, but I know it comes really close. Currently, I don’t have a way to play the original so I finally decided to pull the trigger on the Pixel Remaster and I am honestly glad I did. It was everything I hoped for and I really feel like it became my favorite Final Fantasy almost instantly.

A Bit Of Backstory

Final Fantasy VI

Although I have not played the original, I watched some of a playthrough of it back in 2020. Naturally, it is a title I’ve wanted to play since even before that, being the RPG lover that I am. However, until I got my PC, the option wasn’t available to me. The original PC version of the game however, left much to be desired. From reviews I saw and gameplay videos, it just wasn’t doing the game justice. When Square Enix announce the Pixel Remasters for Final Fantasy I -VI, I was extremely excited. This was my chance to finally live through this staple in video game history. I purchased the game a few weeks ago, dove in, and immediately got lost in its beautiful pixel art and fully orchestrated soundtrack that stays true to the original.

I’m still relatively new to PC gaming so it did take me awhile to associate my computer and desk with a game. Luckily, Steam is really intuitive and I was able to use my Nintendo Switch Pro Controller which helped my poor console brain a bit. At that point I was able to sit back and take in this entire game for everything it had to offer. I promise I’ll try my best to get better at PC gaming. There are many more games I have to explore.

With that being said though, this was the perfect game to be first. Aside from the games that I have played with my roommate, this game is the first I have played from start to finish. In a lot of ways, it’s really perfect in that regard. This game became very special to me almost instantly but it also gave me the opportunity to claim my experience with this game as my own. No longer would I just be saying, “Oh I’ve seen gameplay of that one.” Now, I can say that I have played it.

A Classic Reborn

Final Fantasy VI

From what I could tell, many Final Fantasy fans were skeptical when these Pixel Remasters were announced. Rightfully so considering the original PC ports of these titles were pretty rough. However, I found that this remaster was a true return to form. Aside from a few added features which, arguably, improved the overall experience, the game is exactly as it was on the SNES.

The extras added to the mobile and GBA versions of this game are not present in this remaster. The pixel art is definitely closer to the original, and is presented beautifully. I couldn’t stop admiring the whole thing. Sure it didn’t get the Octopath Traveler treatment many had hoped for, but this was a solid release to allow players like me the opportunity to experience this game. And thank God for that.

I was instantly drawn in. I find myself more and more drawn to retro games these days. It is incredibly humbling to play through the history of video games. Of course, this was one I just absolutely had to experience. I’m very grateful to have had the chance to play through this extraordinary game.

A JRPG Through and Through

Final Fantasy VI

I have my fair share of experience with the Final Fantasy franchise. For better or worse it is a franchise that has continued to evolve. Unfortunately that means that it has also changed quite a bit. I’m not just talking about how every game is different, but modern Final Fantasy games aren’t even turn-based anymore. While the new entries are still wonderful games, I can’t help but miss what the franchise used to be. Final Fantasy VI is the true embodiment of what Final Fantasy used to be like.

It’ll stand as my favorite within the franchise until another one beats it out. While I find that impossible, VI beat out X for me which I also thought would be impossible. Final Fantasy VI mixed everything I would want to see in a JRPG beautifully, leaving me absolutely breathless. The battle system is surprisingly robust, allowing any of your characters to learn magic. This gives you so much freedom when deciding who to build into a mage. Of course there are characters more inclined in magic like Terra, Celes and Strago, but any of your characters can learn any spells thanks to Espers. I’ve always been drawn to magic, especially in RPGs so I grinded a lot to teach almost everyone everything. You never know when you will need a white mage to come save the day.

Each character is completely unique. While Gau quickly became my favorite, I was drawn to Celes and Terra for obvious reasons. There is no wasted character here, as everyone has strengths and weaknesses in battle. There are plenty of characters to choose from as well which made deciding on a party rather difficult. Luckily, the way this game is structured allows you to play with each character enough to decide on a favorite. Experiment with combinations and you’ll likely find one that works best for you.

Fourteen Loveable Characters

Final Fantasy VI

When discussing Final Fantasy VI, I feel like everyone mentions its stellar storytelling. That is because this game pulls off storytelling perfectly. The game’s pacing is spot on and every character’s backstory gets touched on a little bit. When thinking about that and knowing that there are fourteen playable characters it could not have been easy to balance everyone’s story. However, that’s exactly what they managed to do here.

Unlike Octopath Traveler, these characters act like they are on this journey together. Certain interactions will happen if you have the right combination of characters in your party. The party is always interacting with each other though which was refreshing to see. So many big RPGs forget to make the entire experience memorable, often focusing more of the effort on battles. That isn’t the case here with Final Fantasy VI. I can remember each moment that made me laugh, cry and everything in between. It was the emotional journey that I always knew it would be, yet I wasn’t prepared for it at all.

One piece of advice; familiarize yourself with every character. There will be moments in the game where you have to use them all or you’ll be forced to use certain ones. Whatever the case may be, it is incredibly rewarding to learn how every character plays and how they can contribute to battles.

Enter Kefka

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VI has quite a few boss battles in it, all of which are quite challenging. Like every Final Fantasy game though, there is a main villain and this time that villain is Kefka. As far as villains go, he’s probably the most well-written one in the franchise. At least from the games I have played, he is definitely the most memorable. He consistently causes trouble for the party and, in an unlikely turn of events, actually succeeds in his masterplan. Very few villains do this and for that my hat goes off to Kefka.

I don’t want to dive too much into it as I find it better to experience for yourself. Just know that he does not disappoint. You’ll need every one of your characters to take this guy down so level them up and bring the fight to him. I had an absolute blast planning my attack and leveling up my characters. I even hunted the rare items down to make things like magic casting that much easier. This RPG sucked me in and I am not mad about that at all.

My Favorite Final Fantasy To Date

Final Fantasy VI

As mentioned a few times now, this easily became my favorite game within the franchise. From its storytelling to to its flawless soundtrack, Final Fantasy VI earned its rightful place in video game history. To have finally been able to experience that history was an incredible honor. I could write about this game forever and certainly might again in the future. For now though, I am pleased with this piece. I didn’t want to spoil too much of the game but I certainly wanted to praise it.

If you have yet to play this title take it from me, you won’t be disappointed. I sunk a good 60 hours into it and could’ve done even more than that. There’s plenty to do in this game and there are memorable stories to experience. Do yourself a favor and go experience them.