Super Mario RPG: A Timeless Classic Reborn

2024 is certainly off to a bang for me. While I realize it is already the end of February, I am finally finding time to write about the first game I completed in 2024. It was an absolute joy to experience and to start my year off to. I am, of course, referring to Super Mario RPG. I am also referring to the remake that came out last year in 2023, not the original version that came out on the SNES in 1996. As much as I would have loved to experience the original, this Switch remake made it so much easier to find a copy to enjoy. I will always be grateful for a remake that allows me to experience such a timeless classic.

Same Mario, New Moves

Super Mario RPG has all the appropriate elements you would expect from a traditional Mario game. Everything from the art style and music, to the quirky charm in character design is present here. The one thing that isn’t here: Mario’s fantastic platforming prowess. Instead ladies and gentlemen, this is a full-fledged RPG with turn-based combat. Instead of flips and tricks Mario is outfitted with hammers and other weapons to save the Mushroom Kingdom and surrounding areas.

Speaking of the combat, it is the turn-based combat we know and love from RPGs with a bit of a twist. Super Mario RPG, like the other Mario RPGs out there, implement an extra layer of button pressing to make combat feel more engaging. Some weapons might require a well-timed press while some may ask you to mash certain buttons. Either way, expect to be rewarded with extra damage or buffs depending on the action. That is, if you can master the timing.

This adds an extra difficulty to combat, meaning that it never really feels stale. Just when I’d get used to the timing of a weapon or ability, I’d switch up a character’s gear and the actions would change. This kept me on my toes so I didn’t feel like I was just watching combat play out. Of course, mastering the timing took practice, but that is just part of the charm.

Mario and Friends

Of course, Mario is the center of attention here. However, he isn’t alone. Depending on whether you are new to the game like I was, or played the original, you might be familiar with the party members. At any rate, it was a wonderful time picking up everyone along the journey. Each character has a certain playstyle they are best at. Naturally, Mario is the all-rounder, able to be built how you see fit. Peach has some wonderful healing abilities, but she can certainly hit hard when she needs to. Bowser is, well, Bowser. He hits hard and can take a hit as well. The two new characters introduced in this game are fun to figure out on your own.

Each character can also equip different weapons and equipment. Much like other RPGs, these will affect the characters’ stats so be mindful of those changes. The game has plenty of options in this category though, all increasing with each town you’ll visit. Make sure to remember the RPG basics. Talk to everyone and check the shops of every single town. You never know what you might find.

The game is extremely well-written having some of the best one-liners I have seen in a video game. Quite honestly, I laughed a lot during this game and it is definitely meant to be funny. I absolutely lost my mind when I equipped Bowser with a new weapon and saw the animation for it for the first time. It was just him picking up Mario and throwing him at enemies. Classic.

To the Mushroom Kingdom and Beyond!

The world of Super Mario RPG is rich with diversity. From the Mushroom Kingdom itself, to the inside of a volcano, you certainly won’t be bored with the locales on offer here. There is a great variety in enemy types, too, never letting you get too comfortable with who you’re up against. It is a truly magical journey to go on and any RPG fan will have a blast with it.

The world map is full of life and color, really allowing the different areas to stand out. Travel is made easy by just moving Mario around the different areas until choosing the one you want to visit. Any area you’ve been to can be revisited at any time. While it is a pretty linear RPG, there are some side objectives that might see you revisit some areas. All in all though, the game’s objectives are easy to follow.

Each area features its own music to set the tone of that location. The combat and individual bosses have their own tracks, too. Soundtracks can really bring a game to life and Super Mario RPG is a great example of that. This version lets you switch between the modern renditions of the tracks, or the original ones from the SNES era. While I enjoyed the older tracks, the newer ones just fit the newer graphics better. It is always cool to see games embrace their past, though.

An RPG Classic Brought Back to Life

Regardless of being a newcomer to the game, I had a blast with it. I will always support a good remake, especially one faithful to the source material. It is a great way to allow gamers like me to experience gaming history. It is also a great way to ensure that these classics live on well into the future. I hope this means Nintendo has more plans like this in the future.

Super Mario RPG knows exactly what kind of game it is. Blending the traditional Mario formula into the RPG gameplay just works so well. I’m convinced Mario can just do anything. I have played my fair share of Mario titles as well as Mario spin-offs and I have to say, I’m a huge fan. Even when Mario isn’t platforming his way to save Princess Peach, he is still out there saving the world.