If you are anything like me, you probably have a favorite franchise. Maybe it is something that never fails to bring you joy or maybe it is just simply nostalgic. Perhaps it is something new that you’ve just fallen in love with or it’s something old you haven’t visited in a while.
For me, Pokémon is really all of those things and it all started on the Game Boy Color.

^This Game Boy Color in fact. This was my trusty green boy for many years. I desperately wish I still had this Game Boy but unfortunately my parents gave away a lot of my old consoles and games. Before I blab on and on about the Game Boy though, let’s get back to the task at hand: Pokémon.
Now my first Pokémon game, despite having the Game Boy Color, was actually Red. I LOVED it back then but, I think I loved it for different reasons than I do now. See, as a kid the appeal, at least for me, was the Pokémon themselves. How could a kid in the 90s resist Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? Not to mention the game had a TV show. A TV show guys! A kids cartoon that let you see your favorite little monsters animated and brought to life. Of course 8 year old Dakota was hooked. I wasn’t at all concerned about gameplay, strategy, or storyline. I was just happy to be on an adventure with my trusty Charmander.
These days as a 27 year old man though, what keeps me coming back? Of course I still find the little guys cute and cuddly but as a more mature and fully realized gamer, the RPG elements have really come to the forefront. Now, that doesn’t mean that monster design isn’t taken into consideration when building a team, but it certainly isn’t as big of an issue as it once was. Today, even as we speak, I build teams for competitive play and try different combinations and strategies. This is where, in my opinion, the franchise truly shines. RPGs have become my favorite genre within the gaming industry so naturally, I’ve been more and more drawn to those aspects of these games.There is just something so exciting about planning a team and strategizing strengths and weaknesses. Plus, turn-based RPGs are my absolute worst weakness. Ask anyone who knows me, it is the truth.
Pokémon games are notorious for having bland storylines. They have captivated me enough, but I’m fully aware that they aren’t on Naughty Dog’s level of story-telling. Game Freak knows that their franchise doesn’t need that to sell. People like myself come back every generation because we know we are going to enjoy it. Sure, each generation has its flaws and the fanbase is usually unhappy with one thing or another but let’s all remember why we are here. Most of the adult fans have been here since the beginning, like myself, and have strong ties to certain Pokémon. Nostalgia can be a very strong thing ladies and gentlemen, but I think it is a little more than that. I think Game Freak has found a formula and knows not to fix what isn’t broken.
What about the fans that aren’t driven by nostalgia? For example, somewhere out there in the world, an 8 year old is beginning his or her Pokémon journey with Sword and Shield. Generation 8 could be their first generation and they get to have the same experience I had when I was 8 except with Sobble, Grookey, or Scorbunny. That cycle is wild to think about but I love it. I love that a franchise can still grab newcomers and retain their lifelong fans.
If they aren’t newcomers and they aren’t nostalgic, why else would someone keep coming back to Pokémon? Another big selling point for me is saving my babies. With services like Pokémon Bank, and Pokémon Home, there are players out there still using the starters they picked back in 1996. That is just the best feeling. All of the time you spend with these pocket monsters don’t just end with the game you caught them in. You get to carry them forward and they get to live to fight another day. I believe this is another huge reason the fanbase keeps coming back. If they can’t find a single new monster they like in the new generation (which for me has never happened) they can bring back their favorites. Now, that’s assuming that those monsters are allowed in the game, but that is a topic for a different day.
Pokémon truly changed my life. It kick-started my love for RPGs as it was my first one, and it really solidified my interest in gaming as a whole. It is truly amazing to reflect on a franchise that has impacted you in such a meaningful and significant way/
I am looking forward to writing more about Pokémon and my other gaming interests as well, but for now I will leave it at that. What are some of your favorite franchises? What brought you into the gaming world and what keeps you coming back for more?