It has been way too long since I have written a Spotlight Piece for my site. This one in particular has been on my mind for a while now so I’m excited to dive into it. While the act of buying video games can certainly differ from person to person, I really wanted to discuss my process and why it works for me. I would also like to touch on how that process has changed over the last few years and what it once looked like. Whether you buy games as they come out or avidly collect them like I do, I think we can agree that each purchase is exciting. With that being said, let’s get into this.
How I Used To Buy Games
I have changed quite a lot in the last few years. Change may not be the best word for it though, as I think growth would describe it better. Regardless, I have come a long way in the way that I purchase games. Let’s journey back to 2019. I was once a “casual gamer” and because of that, I wasn’t purchasing too many games at the time. I would buy games when I wanted to play them so I didn’t have much of a backlog. Sure some would slip through the cracks, but I didn’t have anywhere near the collection that I possess today. The process of deciding what to play next was simply dedicated by what my next purchase was going to be. Those sure were simpler times.
I can confidently say that while I have always loved video games, I didn’t fall in love with them until a few years ago. A few things certainly contributed to that development, but I am glad to be where I am today. I have a lot more disposable income than I have had in the past so that has helped me to build my collection for sure but it really is more than that. I have been through a lot in my life but the one constant there to get me through the day has been video games. I’ll touch more on my growth as a gamer in another piece. This one is about buying the games themselves.
As I began to develop a stronger connection to games and the joy they brought me, I fell deeper into that world. I found myself watching videos on new releases, retro games and everything in between. My mind opened up to new genres I had never tried before and before I knew it I was your classic video game-collecting trope. I quickly found myself with a backlog larger than I care to admit and two full stacks of games I still need bookshelves for. Needless to say those simpler times were over. I was in the thick of it now.
The Thick Of It
From 2019 to now I have more than doubled my game collection and that extends to things like consoles and accessories, too. I am constantly rearranging my room and making space for new games from collector’s to standard editions. My biggest issue now is deciding what I want displayed and what is going to be hidden by the next best thing. One day I’ll have a bigger house but until then I adore my chaotic bed/game room hybrid. It is so cozy.
It has been an absolute joy to grow my collection. I have fallen in love with this hobby more than I thought possible. What was once background noise in my life has become something far greater. It has become a true passion. If you have been on the fence about game collecting and you are reading this, I can guarantee you will love it. It can be daunting and certainly expensive, but it has been worth it.
Sometimes I just have to stop and take in my scenery of this room. It’s a cornucopia of gaming merch that ranges from games to general swag. Each piece tells a story and that story is added upon once I finally get to experience that game. You can tell what my favorite franchises are because they are appropriately represented throughout this room.
Today’s Process
While I still buy games on release date (sometimes) I also collect just to collect. In my mind, I treat it like reserving that game’s space in my room so that I may play it one day. I try to tackle games I know, or think, will be harder to find in the future first. From there, it is just a matter of sales or special editions dictating purchases. My biggest collection is certainly for Switch games and because of that, I have created a spreadsheet to keep track of everything I own. While I try to buy physical copies, some physical copies don’t exist or eventually get released later. Because of this, my spreadsheet has both contained in it.
I have been so thankful for that spreadsheet ever since I made it. When I am out making my rounds between my favorite video game shops, I can reference it so I don’t purchase anything I already own. I am nearing 500 Switch games so it can definitely be hard to track. I’ll make spreadsheets for my other consoles here soon but the Switch has definitely been the console I have collected the most for recently.
I am an open right away kind of guy and always have been. Whether I am about to play the game or not, you can bet I’ll be opening it when I get home. Since I am not collecting for value but for entertainment I plan to play everything I buy. When I get home with my new games I’ll open them. If they are Switch games, I will go ahead and catalog them. Cataloging them has become my favorite thing about the buying process.
Collecting Is The Way To Go
Looking back I don’t think I could ever revert to my old way of buying games. This has become so much bigger and more meaningful to me now. This is truly a lifestyle and I am incredibly lucky to be living it. Everyone is different but for me, collecting is the way to go. The backlog is certainly overwhelming but it puts my heart as ease knowing that once I buy a game it’s here to stay. I am honored to contribute to preserving video game history in that way and I can’t wait to play all of my collection.