Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – The Star Wars Game We All Needed

Jedi: Fallen Order

I think it is safe to start this post off by saying that Star Wars games have always been a bit iffy. At least, ever since Electronic Arts took over production. That was always so disappointing because Star Wars has such a rich and expansive lore to pull inspiration from. Upon the announcement of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, I was pretty hesitant to jump onto the hype train right away. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the developer, Respawn, was able to craft a unique and refreshing Star Wars experience. In fact, this is my favorite Star Wars game I’ve played so far.

First Impressions

My very first experience with Jedi: Fallen Order was actually when it first came out towards the end of 2019. It was a birthday gift from my roommate and it was perfect because it came out 4 days before my birthday. I was excited to play this game on my Battlefront 2 themed PS4 and matching controller. Very quickly into the story I was impressed with the game and the fear that it would be just another Star Wars video game flop left my mind. I was hooked and excited that I could play as a Jedi.

I remember what was going on in my life personally at the time as well and although I am better to have all that stuff behind me, I remember this moment of my life quite fondly. Looking back to 2019 makes me excited about the progress and growth I have made as a person. Despite the changes in my life though, these video games remain the same and I think that’s another reason I just adore video games so much. No matter what’s happening in your life, these experiences are waiting for you to have as many times as you want to.

Rise From The Ashes, Cal Kestis

Jedi: Fallen Order

Jedi: Fallen Order could not have come at a better time. Following the release of both Battlefront and Battlefront 2, Electronic Arts needed a new strategy. Star Wars fans like myself were desperate for an experience similar to what Star Wars: The Force Unleashed provided. Playing as a stormtrooper was dandy and all, but I wanted to feel the power of the Force.

Respawn’s single player adventure reshaped our expectations of what a Star Wars game could look like under EAs control and now there is no going back. Experiencing Cal Kestis’ journey was exciting enough the first time, but it was even more breathtaking the second time around thanks to that sweet next gen upgrade. However you decide to experience this game though, you won’t be disappointed. For my second playthrough, I chose to play the PlayStation 5 version of the game.

While the differences between the PS4 and PS5 versions were subtle, they were noticeable. The framerate was definitely more solid which helps in a game like this where timing is everything. Graphics were, of course, elevated to some degree but this game isn’t old by any means so it already looked fantastic. Regardless, the next gen experience is certainly the best way to play this game as it polishes it up nicely and provides quicker load times. You’ll surely die a lot so those faster load times will come in handy.

Become A Jedi

Jedi: Fallen Order

In Jedi: Fallen Order, Cal Kestis must figure out what kind of Jedi he will become in a world that no longer welcomes the Jedi. As you play through his story, he will begin to open himself back up to the Force, allowing him access to even more powers. By the end of the game, you’ll have plenty of options on how you want to handle combat situations.

I would imagine that creating a game centered around a Jedi could be difficult. After all, you don’t want to give the players too much power and have the game feel too easy. I think this is where Respawn really succeeded. They managed to let you step into the shoes of a Jedi without you feeling overpowered. This also tied into their storytelling perfectly because Cal wasn’t too far into his training when Order 66 was executed.

The game will present you with many combat challenges from the Empire themselves to local wildlife. Each kill will award you with XP and enough XP will award a skill point. Be careful though because if you die you will have to retrieve that XP from the enemy who killed you. You can use those skill points to purchase more skills and as Cal opens himself to the Force, this tree will expand more. You’ll have access to the classics like Force Pull, Force Push and Force Stasis. You can expand the reach of those abilities later in the tree as well.

Aside from Force abilities, you’ll also be able to enhance Cal’s lightsaber abilities and survivability. Altogether this skill tree provides the perfect stepping stones into your new role as a Jedi. I had an absolute blast using every single ability given to me and couldn’t help but want more. I do wish that the skill tree had a bit more freedom in it, but it works for the story experience that Respawn was going for.

The Story of Cal Kestis

Jedi: Fallen Order

Cal Kestis quickly became a favorite of mine in the Star Wars franchise. It was empowering to watch him overcome everything he had gone through and watch him immerge victorious. I think Respawn did a fantastic job depicting his struggle and telling his story. The actor, Cameron Monaghan, portrayed Cal perfectly both in motion capture and voice acting.

The game will show you a few flashbacks to what happened to Cal when Order 66 took place. This no doubt sheds light on the situation he has found himself in and his constant struggle in reconnecting with the Force. I don’t want to spoil anything here as I try to avoid that in my posts, but he endures a lot to get where he is.

As the game progresses, Cal will meet allies both likely and unlikely. I enjoyed watching him learn to trust people again and accept the duty that lay before him. It’s not everyday that we get to see a Star Wars story quite this unique and raw but it makes for a fantastic experience. It is an experience I think Star Wars definitely needed, especially in the video game world.

Rich With History

Jedi: Fallen Order

While you play Fallen Order, a story will unfold before you that is really unique to this game. Most of this game will actually touch on topics and pieces of lore that other video games and movies in the franchise never showed before. It was refreshing to see the amount of love and care that went into this title. It was also nice to see something unexpected, risky and new. I think it really paid off in the long run.

This story is definitely a side of Star Wars we don’t see too much of. It is darker, grittier and honestly more real than what most of the movies show. However, it is because of that that I feel like Fallen Order really came through for those die-hard Star Wars fans. How many of us were waiting for the Night Sisters to make an appearance in a Star Wars production? It was lovely to see that the developers were fans of the franchise and cared about the story they were telling.

The story also does a beautiful job at feeling like it belongs. Not only is it a canon story but it feels that way. Every moment in Cal’s journey is believable and true to the Star Wars franchise. They didn’t cut any corners or take any liberties and I really appreciated seeing that.


I’m going to give this little guy his own section because he deserves it and because he’s probably my favorite part of this game. I cannot praise Respawn enough for how they gave BD-1 such meaningful and purposeful gameplay mechanics. Not only does he pull up the map and make notes of every enemy type you experience, but he is also your lifeline. He’ll toss you a health stim as you need them and the capacity of those stims can be increased by finding more in the game.

This little droid also contributes immensely to the story and overall experience. I think we can all agree that one thing Star Wars media gets right is its the droids. From the Trade Federation to BD-1 and everything in between, droids have always sort of stolen the show in some respects and I’m more than okay with that.

Droids have always provided a bit of comic relief within the franchise and BD-1 is no exception. However, he and Cal’s relationship develop in a very authentic and emotional way. I remember when I first played this title that was one of the things that stood out to me the most. That still remains true for this playthrough. BD-1 and Cal truly become close friends and its honestly a beautiful experience.

The Future of Fallen Order

A sequel was finally revealed and it makes me excited to see this game blossom into a franchise. One that can continue to exist in one of my favorite franchises. I’m excited to see more of Cal’s journey and who else he may encounter. I can only hope that Respawn is able to hold onto their beloved Jedi: Fallen Order experience but maybe just add a bit more to it.

I’d love to see a more extensive skill tree, one that could really shape Cal’s Jedi path. While that’s honestly the only thing I can think of that would need improved, I would be open to some other changes as well. As long is it still gives me joy to control Cal and be a Jedi then I am more than happy.