Now Loading: Welcome To The Game Room’s New Series

Going into my second year with this website, I’ve been reflecting on last year quite a bit. Mostly on my life in general, but on this website and what my hopes are for it as well. To be honest, this started as a passion project for me. I adore video games and I love to write. Why not mix the two right? However, over the last year it has become a bit more than that.

What Last Year Taught Me

The more I think about last year, in regards to my gaming, I found there to be one constant occurrence. I have a better memory of the games that I took time to write about. My writing process always brings me closer to the material and allows me to further process the game and how it made me feel. I remember thinking many times throughout 2021 to make a habit out of writing about the games I beat. Unfortunately some slipped through the cracks. By the time I realized I hadn’t written anything for those games, too much time had passed. I do my best work, as most do, when the content is fresh on my mind.

For 2022, I don’t want to miss a single game. Now, I know myself too well by now to know that I will always be juggling a few games at once. I tried in 2020 to be a “one game at a time” kind of gamer but it didn’t last. It sounds appealing and I respect those who are able to do that. For me though, especially when playing huge RPG time-sinkers, I find myself wanting a change of pace from time to time. So this isn’t me saying I will play one game, beat it, then write about it. I am saying that when I do beat a game, I will then write about it. My 2022 recap game list will all have posts about them.

The Newest Series In The Game Room

Upon further processing of all of that information, it led me to another interesting idea. Most weeks are crazy and I don’t find the time to sit down and write. I have been doing better with it, but there are moments in my life or my career that prevent me from doing so. Those same moments can get in the way of gaming as well.

I obsessed a lot last year on how many games I would beat. Comparing it to my 2020 list, it was nearly half the size. I have to take into account my unemployment during 2020 and some of 2021 when I think about 2022 and how many games I might beat. Now that I am working full-time again and this time all year, one can assume my list will be even shorter.

Long story short, I wanted to think of more content for my blog despite just the Perspective Pieces and the Spotlight Pieces. I am not always beating games to produce that much content when it comes to Perspective Pieces and as for Spotlight Pieces, sometimes the inspiration or creativity just isn’t there. Instead, I wanted something lighter and something a bit more personal. It finally came to me and I’ve been entertaining the idea for a while. Time to pull the trigger.

Now Loading: Welcome to the Game Room’s Newest Series

As I find the time to do so, I will write about what I am currently playing. Essentially, what’s happening in this little game room I call home. Some days I’m killing time with my roommate in a huge game like Monster Hunter: Rise or Destiny 2. Those games never really end so I don’t write about them much. More examples of this would be when a long RPG is taking up a lot of my time or I’ve fallen into shiny hunting again, which I am currently doing. Instead of waiting for the credits to roll and all the feelings to be felt, I can give you guys little updates on what I’ve been up to in the gaming world. These little updates will be titled Now Loading.

Now, this may not be as interesting a read as some of the other pieces I do, but I have confidence that I will write more knowing that some of the weight has been lifted. No hyper focusing on a specific theme here or one game, just sitting back and recalling what I’ve been doing. There’s a bit more freedom here and I think that certainly helps drive my creativity and inspiration. Plus, it will begin to help me stop caring about how many games I beat in a year. The important thing is to just enjoy them while I play them.

I cannot wait to watch myself and this blog grow even more as the year goes on. I am eager to see what I can create here and what games I will be experiencing this year. With this new series, I’ll be able to write about everything from the games I am playing, to who I am playing them with. It is just one more way for me to invite you readers into my game room and let you continue this journey with me.